From the time we were five years old, wearing white pillow cases on our heads, (maybe this was just me) pretending to be brides, we knew the day of our wedding would be special. This is largely because we were convinced that we would lose our shoe at the stroke of midnight one day and we knew our prince would find us… and of course, the shoe would fit… AND we would get married in a castle, ride off in a carriage, and live happily ever after. My story starts off a little different than that, it started about 7 years ago in a high school physics class. Instead of losing a shoe, and my prince finding it, I lost my chair because James (my now fiancé) was sitting in it. Just your typical story of boy sees girl, boy doesn’t know how to strike up a conversation with girl, so he steals her chair of course, with the hope that she will say something.
Fast forward about 7 years, and we are engaged and planning for the big day. As I start the planning process, I cannot help but reflect on how my ideal wedding has evolved throughout the years. It all began at age 6.
This was the age of polka dots and picky eating. I had just been to a cousin’s wedding and remember thinking about how cool it would be to get married. At that time, I naturally did not understand the true significance of marriage, other than that is what my mom and dad did because they wanted to create me… I now realize that was only part of it. At that point in time, I decided I wanted my wedding dress to look like something Minnie Mouse would wear. It would have to have polka dots and it would have to have a pink bow somewhere. This wedding dress was largely inspired by my Minnie Mouse bedroom décor at the time. The music at the wedding was going to have to consist of “This is How We Do It” by Montell Jordan… I am not sure why, but I always have and always will love that song. As for the food, I did not like the vegetables and weird chicken they had at the wedding I attended, so I thought it would be best to serve McDonald’s at my big day.
Fast forward to sometime in junior high and it was all about black fingernails and spikes. At my wedding, my nails were going to be black, my dress would be cocktail length, and Billie Joe Armstrong and hopefully the rest of Green Day would be performing at my wedding. As far as food, that was going to be CiCis pizza. Also, at this wedding, there was going to be arcade games.
By the time sophomore year in high school rolled around, I thought I had figured out everything I wanted in a wedding. By that point, I had been to one too many weddings with tiny dinner plates and even tinier portions. My wedding was going to have an all you can eat Chinese dinner buffet, with giant dinner plates. The music was going to consist of nothing but top 40 music, and there would be a pretty massive disco ball in the middle of the dance floor.
Fast forward to today, our wedding will go like this… It will consist of James and I, and a church full of family and friends who we adore. As for the rest of our wedding plans, those will just be icing on the cake.
One Response
jan vaughn
I can’t wait to share your perfect wedding with you as nd James…and I’m so happy my son found his special princess! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help make this the perfect wedding for both of you.